Selecting the right paint for your rooms & walls: Part 1
Selecting the right paint with YOUR needs
The best part of any home renovation is the last part! Time to get those contractors out of your house.. Phew!
OK let's take a step back. There's no question that when you finish your home renovation, there is a sigh of relief, knowing that you've conquered this huge obstacle and more importantly, made your house YOURS.
But there's always those finishing touches when the project comes to a close. One of those items can often be the paint for the walls you've just put up. Obviously, we recommend to get the colors and layouts of your rooms all set up before the build, but sometimes things will change and when you finally see a finished product, you can visualize the room better with colors you may or may not have had in mind.
So to get the PERFECT color for your walls, many things factor in to the decision: is it for a kids' room? Should we keep it plain and simple? Do we go for a more artsy look with multiple colors?
To get inspiration for any room, it's important to have a reference point for your own taste. You might have a certain color that inspires you or a painting with colors you really like. Earthy colors and regular whites and grays are sometimes an easy option to go with. Sometimes it's nice to go a little out of the box with multiple color combinations and stripes or lines.
Whatever your inspiration is, create the room YOU want to create with your own colors and combinations.
Here are some key items to consider:
- When you choose your room colors, choose the loudest, boldest color first and then use other complimentary colors to contrast the first color.
- Having more than one color is great! However, bear in mind that you want to make sure it's no more than 2-3 colors and keep them as subtle as possible. Unless you're creating a zany art room of sorts!
- Go nuts with the colors you've chosen! After all, it's only paint right? You can always paint right over that.
- If you are selling your home, we recommend using white or an off-white coloring scheme for your walls. Your prospective buyers will most probably want to paint over what you have and giving them the simplest look can help in the buying process.
Join us next time, when we discuss putting your colors together and creating the RIGHT combination for your wall colors.